Serving Children, Teens & Adults
At Freedman & Haas Orthodontics, we know there’s no age limit to a happy, healthy smile.
That’s why we offer a full range of orthodontics for children, teens, and adults at our offices in West Palm Beach and Wellington.

West Palm Beach & Wellington Braces & Invisalign
At Freedman and Haas Orthodontics, you can find the latest orthodontic appliances. We offer:
- Invisalign
- Clear ceramic Braces
- Traditional metal braces
- Damon Braces
- Cosmetic injectables, botox and facial fillers.

Orthodontics for Children
An early trip to the orthodontist can make your child’s smile better and your life easier. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that an orthodontist evaluate children by age seven.
When children are treated at such a young age, the orthodontist can identify any jaw issues that may cause long-term issues, including underbites, overbites and serious crowding. It turns out that this is sometimes the perfect time for treatment that catches problems early on, dealing with them before they can get worse.
Dr. Freedman & Dr. Haas will work closely with you to determine the best treatment for your child. When early orthodontic intervention seems like the best course of action, we’ll begin a two-phase treatment plan with your child.
Phase One – The Growth Phase
When your child is between ages seven and eleven, our doctors will often work to adjust the jaw, tooth alignments and dental ridges so that their mouths are ready for braces around age 11 to 13.
Dr. Freedman or Dr. Haas may use a dental appliance such as a space maintainer or palatal expander to improve the patient’s bite. They may also prescribe retainers and headgear to help move the teeth into their proper positions. Sometimes, braces will be used for a short period of time before the retainer is employed.
After these initial adjustments, patients have a “resting stage” so that all their permanent teeth can come in before the orthodontist applies braces.
Phase Two – The Alignment Phase
Once all the permanent teeth have emerged, Dr. Freeman or Dr. Haas applies full braces to straighten the teeth and correct remaining alignment issues.
Patients who go through Phase One treatment often have a better experience with their braces as well as a better long-term outcome.
While Phase One alone may be enough for some patients, most will need to wear full braces for a year or two. The type of braces used in Phase Two depends on the child. Some will need traditional metal braces, while others may be able to wear invisible aligners.

Orthodontics for Teens
The teenage years are the most common time to receive orthodontic treatment in West Palm and Wellington. Put your kids on the road to a perfect smile by addressing any concerns shortly after most of their permanent teeth have grown in.
Once a child reaches age 12, most of their teeth are permanent. This is the perfect time to take your teen in to see if they have any issues with their teeth that should be addressed early on. A few common concerns for teens include:
- Overbites
- Underbites
- Positioning problems
Treatment Options
Braces are the go-to option for fixing alignment issues of the teeth during the teenage years. Many of their West Palm Beach or Wellington peers will also have braces, which can help relieve self-conscious feelings that they may have.
Since braces typically stay on for anywhere from one to three years, they have the rest of their teenage years to enjoy their straightened smiles. When you combine braces with encouraging your teen to follow proper dental hygiene practices, you can set them up with an excellent smile for the rest of their lives.
Benefits of Treatment
Your teen gets many benefits from receiving orthodontic treatment during their formative years. Just a few of them include:
- Reduced potential for food to get trapped between teeth – When your teen’s teeth are properly aligned, they can easily clean all areas of the tooth. Since bacteria can grow on this debris and cause tooth decay, it’s best to prevent this situation from occurring entirely.
- Easier to promote a healthy diet – When they don’t experience pain while chewing, they’ll be less likely to turn their nose up at food that needs some work before swallowing it.
- Sidestep long-term complications – TMJ, which is commonly characterized by a clicking sound at the jaw, doesn’t only cause pain in the mouth. The tension can also lead to headaches and other adverse conditions that impact quality of life.
- Overall health boosts – Dental health connects directly to your teen’s overall health. If they struggle with frequent problems with their teeth, it could lead to serious medical issues elsewhere in the body.

Adult Orthodontics
Did you know that one-in-five new West Palm Beach and Wellington orthodontic patients are an adult? It’s true! Approximately 30% of those wearing braces are over the age of 18.
As an adult, you have many of the treatment options younger patients have, but the treatment may vary slightly.
Your bones have stopped growing, so your teeth and jaw are not as malleable as they were when you were a teenager. This means your treatment may take longer, around two years in most cases.
Choosing the Right Braces For You
Adults often opt for less noticeable braces, such as clear aligners or ceramic braces, to maintain a more professional appearance. Invisalign allows adults to straighten their teeth in a nearly undetectable manner.
These clear aligners are removable, so you can take them out to eat or brush your teeth. Ceramic braces remain on your teeth during treatment, but since they’re tooth-colored, they’re less noticeable than metal braces.
You can also invest in braces that go on the back of your teeth, known as a lingual appliance. Or you may simply opt for traditional metal braces that are more noticeable but promise excellent results.
Dr. Freedman or Dr. Haas will discuss your options and help you make the best choice for your particular situation.
Why Should Adults Get Braces?
Adults may have crooked teeth for a number of reasons. Perhaps your parents couldn’t afford to pay for braces when you were a child, or your teenage self may have refused to wear them.
In some instances, adult teeth shift as you age due to lost teeth, changes to your jaw or failure to wear your retainer as a teen. No matter what the reason, adults can find the help they need to have the straight teeth they desire.